Changing Pad

Baby holding his left toe while laying in the baby changer

Changing Pad

Why we love it

You can wipe it down! This is the main reason we love it - we're all about reducing laundry. However, in the early days, babies hate being cold and they hate being changed, so putting a swaddle or baby blanket down makes things easier as you can quickly toss the swaddle in the laundry.

More details & tips

You probably won't change your kiddo on a changing table for at least 8 months—when they start showing interest in rolling over and your changes become more like wrestling matches. That being said, this is a moment. Once my kids rolled over, I invested in THIS for the floor of their bedrooms and changed them here. Note: their rooms have thick carpets so this was safe for them; if you don't have a thick rug, you'll want something thicker and/or with foam support.

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